Channel: Sistem KPM - SAPS Ibu Bapa, APDM, HRMIS... - Latest topics

About the SAPS IBUBAPA category


@admin wrote:

SAPS dikenali sebagai Sistem Analisis Peperiksaan Sekolah yang dibangunkan oleh pihak Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) bagi memudahkan ibu bapa dan murid menyemak keputusan, dan guru untuk memasukkan markah secara online.

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About the APDM category


@admin wrote:

Aplikasi Pangkalan Data Murid (APDM) ialah satu aplikasi bagi menyimpan segala maklumat berkaitan dengan murid secara online. Maklumat-maklumat yang disimpan dalam APDM boleh digunakan semasa mengisi aplikasi Sistem Analisis Peperiksaan Sekolah (SAPS).

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About the SSO category


@admin wrote:

Single sign-on (SSO) merupakan satu mekanisma kawalan akses bagi pelbagai sistem yang berkaitan namun tidak bergantung antara satu sama lain. Maksudnya seorang pengguna hanya perlu login sekali sahaja untuk mengakses semua sistem yang terlibat.

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About the HRMIS category


@admin wrote:

Sistem Maklumat Pengurusan Sumber Manusia (HRMIS) merupakan satu aplikasi yang diwujudkan oleh Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia (JPA) untuk kegunaan semua jabatan kerajaan sebagai sistem aplikasi pengurusan kakitangan bersepadu.

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About the eOperasi category


@admin wrote:

Modul Pengurusan Guru (eOperasi) merupakan salah satu modul pengurusan dari Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) yang melibatkan pengurusan data berkaitan guru dan bukan guru.

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About the eGTukar category


@admin wrote:

eGTukar Guru merupakan satu sistem online bagi menguruskan pertukaran guru-guru di Malaysia di bawah Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM). Permohonan hanya dibuka 2 kali dalam setahun iaitu pada bulan April bagi pertukaran bulan Jun dan bulan September bagi pertukaran bulan Januari.

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About the PAJSK category


@admin wrote:

Pendidikan Aktiviti Jasmani Sukan Kokurikulum (PAJSK) merupakan satu sistem online yang digunakan oleh guru-guru bagi menjalankan Pentaksiran PAJSK mengikut format dan garis panduan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM).

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About the eSPLG category


@admin wrote:

Sistem Pengurusan Latihan Guru (eSPLG) merupakan satu sistem yang diwujudkan bagi merekod dan mengurus maklumat-maklumat yang berkaitan dengan kursus, latihan, bengkel atau taklimat yang dihadiri oleh guru-guru.

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About the ePerolehan category


@admin wrote:

Sistem Perolehan Elektronik (ePerolehan) merupakan satu sistem perolehan elektronik yang telus bagi memudahkan aktiviti perolehan yang melibatkan pihak pembekal dan agensi kerajaan.

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About the ePangkat category


@admin wrote:

Sistem Kenaikan Pangkat (ePangkat) merupakan satu aplikasi yang diwujudkan bagi membekal dan mengurus maklumat-maklumat tentang kenaikan pangkat guru-guru.

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About the ePrestasi category


@admin wrote:

ePrestasi merupakan satu aplikasi yang dibangunkan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) yang melibatkan pengisian borang markah Penilaian Bersepadu Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan (PBPPP) oleh warga guru.

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Login eGtukar dan Panduan Lengkap


@admin wrote:

eGTukar Guru diwujudkan oleh Malaysia Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) bagi memudahkan pengurusan hal pertukaran guru-guru di seluruh Malaysia. Permohonan hanya dibuka 2 kali sahaja dalam setahun iaitu pada bulan April bagi pertukaran bulan Jun dan bulan September bagi pertukaran bulan Januari.

Cara Login ke eGTukar

  1. Tekan masuk link: https://epgo.moe.gov.my/index.cfm
  2. Bagi pengguna yang layari bagi pertama kali, anda perlu daftar dahulu melalui link: https://epgo.moe.gov.my/dr_login/sign_up.cfm

Mengisi Maklumat Pendaftaran

  1. Semua guru yang menggunakan eGTukar diwajibkan membuat ID Pengguna dan Kata Laluan Sistem sebelum menbuat capaian ke eGTukar.
  2. Maklumat-maklumat berikut yang diperlukan bagi mendaftar ID Pengguna dan Kata Laluan
    a. Nama Dalam Kad Pengenalan
    b. IC
    c. Nombor Gaji ID Pengguna
    d. Kata Laluan Pengguna
    e. Email
    f. Tarikh Lahir Pengguna
    g. Soalan Keselamatan
    h. Jawapan

Info Penting

  1. Para guru eGTukar hendaklah mendaftar bagi mendapatkan ID Pengguna dan kata laluan. Pemohon hanya dibenarkan menghantar 1 permohonan sahaja bagi setiap sesi pertukaran.
  2. Para guru tidak dibenarkan membuat pertukaran dalam negeri yang sama sekiranya mereka berada mengajar di jenis sekolah yang sama.
  3. Para guru tidak dibenarkan membuat perubahan maklumat setelah borang permohonan dihantar.
  4. Sistem tidak akan menerima maklumat permohonan jika pemohon tidak membuat penghantaran maklumat.
  5. Pemohon perlu mencetakkan maklumat yang dipaparkan di menu cetakan bagi mendapat nombor permohonan. Nombor permohonan tersebut perlu dihantar kepada pengetua ataupun guru besar untuk menjadikan bukti permohonan.

Syarat-syarat Permohonan Pertukaran

  1. Guru yang tidak layak membuat permohonan eGtukar:
    a. Guru yang telah menamatkan latihan LPBS tetapi tidak cukup tempoh perkhidmatan (36 bulan) di sekolah.
    b. Guru Sandaran Tidak Terlatih yang sedang mengikuti Kursus Dalam Cuti.
    c. Guru yang sedang bercuti tanpa gaji.
    d. Guru yang sedang dikenakan tindakan tatatertib.
    e. Guru yang sedang mengikuti kursus atau cuti belajar.
    f. Guru yang sedang mengikuti Latihan Perguruan Berasaskan Sekolah (LPBS).

  2. Para guru hanya boleh membuat permohonan terhadap negeri yang terdapat kekosongan jawatan. Permohonan terhadap negeri yang tidak mempunyai kekosongan jawatan akan ditolak.

  3. Para guru memerlukan 2 surat untuk dibenarkan menukar iaitu surat pemakluman kelulusan pertukaran dari Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri asal dan surat penempatan pertukaran dari Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri.

  4. Kementerian Pelajaran tidak membenarkan para guru membatalkan permohonan pertukaran sekiranya permohonan pertukaran telah diluluskan.

  5. Sekiranya terdapat sebarang pemalsuan maklumat dalam keterangan yang dihantar, permohonan tersebut tidak akan dilayan dan permohonan yang telah dilulus juga turut terbatal. Oleh itu, para guru hendaklah memastikan butiran yang diisi dalam borang tepat, lengkap dan benar.

  6. Sekiranya permohonan pertukaran diluluskan, semua jawatan yang sedang dijawat oleh guru tersebut akan tergugur serta merta.

  7. Segala salinan dokumen yang berkaitan perlulah disahkan dan dihantar kepada Pengetua ataupun Guru Besar.

  8. Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri/Bahagian-bahagian yang berkenaan di Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia akan menentukan segala aktiviti penempatan sekolah.

Faktor utama yang meluluskan guru untuk bertukar ke negeri yang dimohon?
Tiga faktor utama yang meluluskan guru untuk bertukar ke negeri yang dimohon adalah bergantung kepada kekosongan jawatan, kepentingan perkhidmatan dan keperluan opsyen di negeri yang dimohon.

Gred Guru yang layak memohon pertukaran dalam module eGTukar?
Permohonan dibuka kepada Guru Penolong Gred DG29, DG32, DG34, DG38, DG41, DG42, DG44, DG48, DG52 dan DG54 sahaja. Pentadbir dan Guru Cemerlang perlulah mengisi borang permohonan dan dihantar ke Bahagian Pengurusan Sumber Manusia (BPSM) melalui JPN atau Bahagian di bawah Sektor Operasi Pendidikan (SOP) yang berkenaan.

Tarikh pengumuman bagi keputusan permohonan pertukaran.
Tarikh pengumuman bagi keputusan permohonan pertukaran guru akan dimaklum dan dipaparkan melalui Modul e- GTukar secara online.

Tempoh perkhidmatan yang diperlukan bagi kelulusan pertukaran guru.
Kelulusan pertukaran guru tidak hanya bergantung kepada tempoh perkhidmatan. Tetapi juga tertakluk kepada kekosongan perjawatan, kepentingan perkhidmatan dan keperluan opsyen di negeri yang dipohon.

Sekiranya terdapat kekosongan di sekolah/daerah tertentu, bolehkah guru membuat permohonan untuk menukar ke sekolah/daerah tersebut?
Para guru boleh membuat permohonan untuk bertukar ke sekolah/daerah yang dibuka untuk Pertukaran Guru bagi Tahun 2017. Permohonan akan diluluskan bergantung kepada bilangan keseluruhan permohonan ke sekolah/daerah tersebut dan tertakluk kepada kekosongan jawatan, kepentingan perkhidmatan dan keperluan opsyen.

Alasan untuk melulus permohonan pertukaran?
Kelulusan permohonan pertukaran adalah bergantung kepada kekosongan jawatan, kepentingan perkhidmatan dan keperluan opsyen di negeri yang dimohon. Selain itu, masih terdapat wajaran yang akan diambil kira dalam pertimbangan kelulusan pertukaran.

Bolehkah membuat permohonan pertukaran suka sama suka?
Segala permohonan pertukaran suka sama suka adalah tidak dibenarkan.

Sebab permohonan pertukaran suka sama suka tidak dibenarkan.
Kelulusan permohonan pertukaran adalah tertakluk kepada kira bilangan keseluruhan pemohon ke sekolah/daerah dan juga mengambil kira kekosongan jawatan, kepentingan perkhidmatan dan keperluan opsyen di sekolah/daerah berkenaan.

Jika Pengetua ataupun Guru Besar tidak membenarkan permohonan dibuat, adakah permohonan pertukaran tersebut akan dibatalkan?
Bagi permohonan pertukaran yang tidak mendapat sokongan dari Pengetua ataupun Guru Besar, permohonan tersebut masih akan dipertimbangkan bergantung kepada kepentingan perkhidmatan.

Membuat rayuan jika permohonan pertukaran tidak lulus?
Pemohon tidak dibenarkan membuat rayuan tentang keputusan permohonan kerana segala keputusan yang dimaklumkan adalah muktamad. Namun begitu, pemohon masih boleh membuat permohonan yang baharu pada sesi pertukaran yang seterusnya.

Bolehkah saya membatalkan kelulusan pertukaran sekiranya saya bertukar fikiran?
Para guru tidak dibenarkan untuk membatal kelulusan yang telah diluluskan kerana keputusan kelulusan pertukaran adalah muktamad. Guru hendaklah melaporkan diri di sekolah baharu dalam tempoh yang singkat. Jika guru tidak mengikuti arahan tentang keputusan pertukaran tersebut, tindakan tatatertib akan dikenakan terhadap guru yang berkenaan.

Apakah yang akan berlaku jika saya tidak melapor diri dalam tempoh yang dimaklumkan walaupun telah lulus permohonan pertukaran?
Bagi guru yang tidak melapor diri dalam tempoh yang dimaklum walaupun telah lulus permohonan pertukaran, guru yang berkenaan akan dikenakan tindakan tatatertib.

Saya menghadapi masalah untuk melayari modul eGTukar, pihak manakah yang harus saya rujuk?
Bagi Sekolah Kolej Vokasional dan Sekolah Menengah Teknik, sila rujuk kepada Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional.
Bagi Sekolah SABK®, SABK(M) dan SMKA, sila rujuk kepada Bahagian Pendidikan Islam / Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri.
Bagi Sekolah Rendah Harian (SK, SJKC dan SJKT) dan Sekolah Menengah Harian, sila rujuk kepada Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah /Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri.
Bagi Sekolah Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas, Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas dan Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas Vokasional, sila rujuk kepada Bahagian Pendidikan Khas / Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri.
Bagi Sekolah Berasrama Penuh, sila rujuk kepada Bahagian Pengurusan Sekolah Berasrama Penuh dan Sekolah Kecemerlangan.
Bagi Sekolah Sukan, sila rujuk kepada Bahagian Sukan.
Bagi Sekolah Seni, sila rujuk kepada Bahagian Kokurikulum dan Kesenian.

Adakah saya masih boleh membuat permohonan pertukaran atas sebab arahan perkhidmatan pasangan walaupun tarikh permohonan sudah tutup?
Ya, guru masih boleh membuat permohonan pertukaran dengan menghantar borang manual (boleh download dari modul eGTukar) dan mendapat pengesahan dari Pengetua ataupun Guru Besar. Penghantaran borang permohonan kepada Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) adalah wajib untuk tindakan kunci masuk.

Bagaimanakah pembatalan permohonan pertukaran dilakukan?
Jika permohonan pertukaran belum disahkan oleh Pengetua ataupun Guru Besar, maka pemohon boleh dibatalkan boleh pemohon sendiri.
Jika permohonan pertukaran tersebut telah dibuat oleh Pengetua ataupun Guru Besar, maka pemohon boleh membatal melalui PPD/JPN semasa.

Bagaimanakah jika saya ingin membuat perubahan butiran pada borang permohonan saya?
Guru yang ingin mengubah butiran pada borang permohonan hendaklah membatalkan permohonan asal terlebih dahulu. Seterusnya segera menghantar borang permohonan yang baharu dalam tempoh permohonan yang masih dibuka.

Bagaimanakah jika saya ingin menangguhkan tarikh mula bertugas di sekolah baharu?
Bagi guru yang ingin menangguhkan tarikh mula bertugas di sekolah baharu, guru tersebut hendaklah melapor diri dahulu kepada Pengetua ataupun Guru Besar di sekolah baharu yang ditempatkan. Seterusnya memohon lagi supaya tarikh mula bertugas ditangguhkan. Pengetua ataupun Guru Besar sekolah tersebut akan diberi masa selama 14 hari dari tarikh kuatkuasa arahan pertukaran untuk mempertimbangkan permohonan penangguhan guru berkenaan.

Sebarang pertanyaan mengenai egtukar boleh membuatkan topik baharu.

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Participants: 1

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Login HRMIS dan Manual Pengguna lengkap


@admin wrote:

Sistem Maklumat Pengurusan Sumber Manusia dikenali sebagai HRMIS merupakan satu modul atas talian yang dibangunankan oleh Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia (JPA) untuk kegunaan semua jabatan kerajaan sebagai sistem aplikasi pengurusan kakitangan bersepadu.

HRMIS Klasik

Objektif Utama HRMIS

  1. Membekalkan satu sistem maklumat pengurusan sumber manusia yang cekap dan terbuka kepada pelbagai peringkat agensi untuk memudahkan aktiviti pengurusan.
  2. Membolehkan proses operasi pengurusan sumber manusia dijalankan secara automasi.
  3. Memastikan perancangan sumber tenaga dan penentuan keluasan perkhidmatan awam dilakukan secara efektif dengan adanya maklumat tentang pengurusan sumber manusia.
  4. Menyelaraskan proses sumber manusia dan capaian melalui single window serta meringkaskan proses komunikasi dan integrasi horizontal.
  5. Mewujudkan persekitaran yang kurang menggunakan kertas.
  6. Memudahkan perancangan sumber manusia dijalankan secara efektif dengan menyediakan maklumat sumber manusia yang lengkap dan tepat.

Menjayakan aplikasi unggul dalam pengurusan sumber manusia sektor awam supaya setanding dengan taraf dunia dengan menyediakan ICT yang canggih bersamaan dengan wawasan kerajaan.

Menjamin agensi-agensi yang terlibat dalam sektor awam mengikuti visi sumber manusia perkhidmatan awam dan matlamat kerajaan elektronik ketika melaksanakan Sistem Maklumat Pengurusan Manusia (HRMIS).
Menambahbaikan maklumat HRMIS supaya benar dan tepat dalam pengurusan sumber manusia sektor awam.

Proses perkhidmatan pelanggan HRMIS

  1. Terima dan analisis aduan.
  2. Terima analisis dan selesaikan aduan.
  3. Terima diagnos dan selesaikan aduan.
  4. Memantau dan mengemaskini status aduan sehingga selesai.
  5. Tutup aduan-aduan selesai.
  6. Terima dan selesaikan aduan di peringkat agensi.
  7. Rujuk FAQ portal HRMIS untuk bantuan.
  8. Semak status aduan.
  9. Maklumankan status aduan kepada CO sehingga selesai.

Panduan HRMIS Klasik
(Modul Perolehan Sumber Manusia)

Persediaan pelaksanaan
Agensi perlu memastikan segala maklumat yang digunakan dalam modul telah dikemaskini, lengkap dan tepat. Selain itu, agensi juga perlu sentiasa peka dan mengemas kini maklumat kekosongan jawatan yang terdapat di HRMIS. Ketua jabatan perlu menjamin agensi-agensi berkenaan melaksanakan Modul Perolehan Sumber Manusia dengan sepenuhnya.

Latar Belakang HRMIS

  1. Menjalankan Kenaikan Pangkat Pemilik Kompetensi (RS-PROM)
  2. Menjalankan Penyediaan Pemilik Kompetensi Untuk Pelaksanaan Tugas (RS-RFD)
  3. Menjalankan Pertukaran Pemilik Kompetensi (RS-RA)
  4. Menjalankan Peminjaman dan Pertukaran Tetap Pemilik Kompetensi (RS-SCND)
  5. Menjalankan Pengambilan Pemilik Kompetensi (RS-ACQ)
  6. Menjalankan Pembangunan Pelan Tindakan Perolehan Sumber Manusia (RS-APD)

Aliran proses
(Fungsi permohonan pertukaran)

  1. Memohon pertukaran.
  2. Sokong permohonan pertukaran.
  3. Semak Permohonan pertukaran.

Panduan HRMIS 2.0

Login Ke HRMIS
HRMIS boleh dicapai di link: http://www.eghrmis.gov.my/
ataupun di link: https://hrmis2.eghrmis.gov.my

Pengguna perlu mengisi ID Pengguna dan Kata Laluan untuk login ke dalam aplikasi.

Pengenalan Modul
Modul Pentadbiran Sistem merupakan tempat bagi pengguna mengurus ID, mengakses dan mencapai pelbagai perkhidmatan yang dibekalkan.
Modul Pentadbiran Sistem terdapat dua bahagian iaitu Submodul Sekuriti dan Submodul Aliran Kerja.

Fungsi Submodul Sekuriti
i. Mengaktifkan ID Pengguna
ii. Menukar Kata Laluan
iii. Selenggara Profil Pengguna
iv. Menetapkan Tugas
v. Menukar Status Log Masuk
vi. Memaparkan Pengumuman

Fungsi Submodul Aliran Kerja
i. Membuat pindaan maklumat aliran kerja.
ii. Membuat tambahan maklumat dalam modul-modul HRMIS.
iii. Mengemaskini senarai peraturan aliran kerja yang telah ditetapkan.

Penamatan Perkhidmatan
Objektif utama modul penamatan perkhidmatan HRMIS 2.0.

  1. Modul ini diwujudkan bagi mempercepatkan urusan peralihan keluar pemilik kompetensi dari perkhidmatan kerajaan dilaksanakan secara online.
  2. Menilai dan memahami pola penamatan perkhidmatan dalam sektor awam dengan menggunakan maklumat-maklumat yang dibekalkan.

Pihak yang dibenarkan menggunakan penamtan perkhidmatan HRMIS 2.0
Modul HRMIS ini khas disediakan bagi 2 pihak sahaja iaitu penjawat awam yang ingin hentikan perkhidmatan dengan kerajaan serta pegawai sumber manusia yang terlibat dalam pengurusan penamatan perkhidmatan.

Fungsi utama modul penamtan perkhidmatan HRMIS 2.0
a. Menamatkan perkhidmatan dengan kerajaan.
b. Mencantum perkhidmatan lepas.
c. Bersara secara sukarela.
d. Bersara secara paksa (bawah Akta Pencen 1980).
e. Merekod maklumat kematian.
f. Membekal maklumat asas bakal pesara.

Pra syarat bagi pelaksanaan modul penamatan perkhidmatan HRMIS 2.0
Data asas yang dikemaskini perlu dipastikan betul dan tepat.
a. Submodul pengurusan pinjaman
b. Submodul pengurusan tatatertib
c. Submodul pengurusan cuti
d. Profil perkhidmatan
e. Pengurusan rekod peribadi
f. Data perjawatan berkenaan
g. Modul pembangunan
h. Elaun

Pengurusan Gaji
Syarat-syarat menggunakan submodul pengurusan gaji HRMIS 2.0
Submodul pengurusan gaji perlu diakses menggunakan Internet Explorer melalui HRMIS klasik sahaja.

Pihak manakah yang bertanggungjawab mengemaskini no. gaji?
Pentadbir gaji merupakan pihak yang bertanggungjawab dalam mengemaskini no. gaji.

Proses mencapai dan mengemaskini maklumat elaun.

  1. Tekan Pengurusan saraan, Faedah dan ganjaran.
    • Pengurusan gaji
    • Pemprosesan gaji
    • Fail induk gaji
    • Kemasukan fail induk gaji
  2. Isikan no. IC.
  3. Memilih jawatan sandangan semasa.
  4. Tekan teruskan.
  5. Tekan link pendapatan
  6. Tekan tambah untuk memaparkan gaji atau elaun.
  7. Tekan cari
  8. Memasukkan kata kunci seperti ‘Elaun’, dan tekan teruskan.
  9. Tekan kod yang betul dalam jenis-jenis pendapatan yang dipaparkan.
  10. Mengisikan bilangan imbuhan tetap khidmat awam yang diterima berdasarkan slip gaji.
  11. Tekan hantar.

Kelayakan kelas wad bagi pegawai-pegawai.
Kelayakan wad adalah bergantung kepada gred pegawai dan fasiliti pihak hospital seperti berikut:
gred || Kelayakan Wad
1 - 20 Kelas 2
21 - 30 Kelas 1 Bilik Bertiga
31 - 44 Kelas 1 Bilik Berdua
45 - 54 Kelas 1 Bilik Seorang
Pengurusan Tertinggi Kelas 1 Bilik Seorang

Pengurusan Persaraan HRMIS
Perlukah tandatangan dibuat secara manual dalam Borang Kew.8 yang dikeluarkan oleh HRMIS?
Ya, Borang Kew 8 hendaklah dibuat secara manual selepas dicetak keluar, kecuali sekiranya menggunakan Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

Sebarang pertanyaan HRMIS dan HRMIS 2.0 boleh dihantar dengan membuat topik baharu.

Posts: 1

Participants: 1

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Login SAPS Ibu bapa dan NKRA


@admin wrote:

Sistem Analisis Peperiksaan Sekolah (SAPS) merupakan satu sistem online yang diwujudkan oleh pihak Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) untuk menyimpan data-data peperiksaan sekolah di seluruh Malaysia. Sistem ini boleh memudahkan ibu bapa dan pelajar membuat semakan tentang keputusan peperiksaan, serta guru untuk memasukkan markah peperiksaan secara online. Sistem SAPS juga boleh diakses dan digunapakai oleh pihak sekolah, KPM, JPN, PPD.

Semakan SAPS Ibu Bapa

Semakan keputusan peperiksaan online hanya melibatkan pelajar sekolah rendah dari darjah 1 hingga darjah 6 serta pelajar sekolah menengah dari tingkatan 1 hingga tingkatan 5.
Segala keputusan peperiksaan boleh disemak melalui laman SAPS kecuali peperiksaan awam seperti UPSR, PT3 dan SPM.
Peperiksaan sekolah termasuk Ujian 1 dan 2, Peperiksaan pertengahan tahun, Peperiksaan akhir tahun dan Peperiksaan percubaan.

Langkah-langkah membuat semakan keputusan peperiksaan pelajar.

  1. Melayari ke laman SAPS: https://sapsnkra.moe.gov.my/ibubapa2/
  2. Mengisi maklumat lengkap pelajar seperti No IC/Sijil lahir, Negeri, Nama sekolah dan tahun.
  3. Tekan semak.
  4. Tekan Papar Slip Keputusan atau Papar Markah Keputusan.

Sistem seterusnya akan memaparkan slip keputusan peperiksaan pelajar dengan perinci termasuk markah setiap subjek, kedudukan dalam kelas dan tingkatan. Dengan adanya sistem online SAPS, ibu bapa dapat memantau keputusan pelajar dengan lebih senang dan efektif.

Bagaimana sekiranya nombor IC pelajar tidak dapat disemak?
Sekiranya nombor IC pelajar tidak dapat disemak, ibu bapa harus menghubungi dan memaklum kepada guru kelas pelajar berkenaan. Kejadian ini biasanya berlaku disebabkan kesalahan pengisian nombor IC di APDM.

Langkah-langkah guru mengemaskini nombor IC pelajar.

  1. Tekan semak setelah memilih jenis peperiksaan.
  2. Tekan Import Data APDM - Senarai Murid SAPS & APDM.
  3. Membetulkan nombor IC pelajar yang salah dan tekan OK.
  4. Tekan Import bagi mendapatkan nombor IC pelajar yang terkini.

SAPS Online Khas Login Guru

Bagi pihak guru, SAPS online penting untuk mereka memasukkan markah peperiksaan bagi setiap pelajar yang menduduki peperiksaan. Semua markah pelajar yang dimasukkan akan dianalisis berdasarkan subjek, kelas, tahun dan lain-lain. Jadi, para guru dapat mengetahui peratus lulus, pelajar yang mendapat markah tertinggi serta pelajar paling cemerlang bagi setiap kelas mahupun seluruh tingkatan. Para guru juga menggunakan semua data ini untuk menilai dan membuat rancangan pembelajaran berdasarkan prestasi pelajar-pelajar.

Portal SAPS Guru: https://sapsnkra.moe.gov.my/

Guru perlu menggunakan ID Pengguna untuk login ke sistem. Guru perlu merujuk kepada Setiausaha Peperiksaan untuk mendapatkan ID Pengguna dan Kata Laluan.

Selain daripada laman web, aplikasi telefon pintar juga disediakan bagi memudahkan para guru berurusan di SAPS.
SAPS NKRA APP: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=my.gov.moe.sapsnkra&hl=en

Bagaimanakah sekiranya guru melupakan kata laluan pengguna?
Sekiranya guru melupakan kata laluan untuk memasuki sistem SAPS, guru tersebut perlu jumpa dengan Setiausaha Peperiksaan untuk menukar semula kata laluan.
Guru juga boleh memasuki Single Sign On (SSO) dengan menggunakan satu ID Pengguna dan kata laluan sahaja. ID Pengguna dan kata laluan tersebut boleh didapati dari Guru Data sekolah masing-masing.

Pengisian markah peperiksaan sekolah
Para guru diwajibkan mengisi markah keputusan peperiksaan Ujian 1 dan 2, Peperiksaan pertengahan tahun, Peperiksaan akhir tahun dan Peperiksaan percubaan. Pengisian markah guru tidak termasuk peperiksaan awam seperti UPSR, PT3 dan SPM.
Para guru hanya akan memula proses pengisian markah setelah mendapat arahan daripada Setiausaha Peperiksaan serta telah Daftar Subjek.

Langkah-langkah Daftar Subjek

  1. Memilih Jenis Peperiksaan dan tekan Masuk.
  2. Merujuk Menu Guru MP dan tekan Daftar MP.
  3. Memastikan data-data adalah betul, guru perlu mengemaskini semula di APDM sekiranya terdapat kesilapan data.

Jika guru mempunyai sebarang masalah untuk memasuki sistem ataupun masalah lain tentang sistem. Anda boleh merujuk kepada pegawai-pegawai berkenaan.
Guru Mata Pelajaran > Setiausaha Peperiksaan > Pegawai Unit ICT / SPA di PPD > Pegawai Unit ICT / SPA di BPSH, KPM.

Jika sekadar di peringkat sekolah, para guru dinasihati agar memaklumkan kepada Setiausaha Peperiksaan Sekolah sahaja kerana mereka amat arif dengan sistem dan dapat menyelesaikan masalah anda dengan lebih cekap.

Mengisi markah peperiksaan percubaan UPSR ataupun PT3
Langkah-langkah Setiausaha Peperiksaan membuat pengesahan markah.

  1. Tekan Masuk mengikut jenis peperiksaan setelah login ke sistem.
  2. Tekan Tingkatan/Tahun.
  3. Tekan pengesahan markah.

Masalah kegagalan pengesahan markah boleh berlaku disebabkan terdapat markah subjek teras masih belum diisi dalam sistem SAPS.
Namun begitu, jika terdapat subjek bukan teras yang belum diisi markah, pengesahan markah masih dapat dilakukan kerana pengiraan GPS hanya melibatkan subjek teras sahaja.
Subjek teras termasuk Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris, Sains dan Matematik.

Bagaimanakah jika Guru Mata Pelajaran Memilih Kod Subjek yang salah?
Guru Mata Pelajaran tersebut dikehendaki memaklumkan kesalahan tersebut kepada Setiausaha Peperiksaan sekolah. Kesalahan kod subjek tersebut akan dibetulkan semula melalui menu Semakan Ralat Kod Mata Pelajaran.

  1. Tekan menu Semakan.
  2. Tekan Semak Ralat Mata Pelajaran.
  3. Tekan Ubah Suai bagi membetulkan kod subjek yang salah.
  4. Tekan Proses Markah Peperiksaan untuk mendapatkan gred dan kedudukan terkini selepas mengemaskini.
    Markah yang asal akan dimasukan dalam subjek baharu yang dipilih secara automatik.


Masalah yang selalu dihadapi oleh para guru.

  1. Kurang pasti tentang pendaftaran Nama Subjek.
  2. Tidak ingat kata laluan.
  3. Nama pelajar hilang dari senarai.
  4. Markah yang dimasukkan hilang.
  5. Pengisian markah yang dikemaskini masih adanya ralat.
  6. Kesalahan dalam analisis kedudukan pelajar.

Pembetulan Nama Pelajar di dalam sistem SAPS.
Segala kesalahan maklumat pelajar harus dimaklum kepada Guru Kelas pelajar berkenaan. Guru Kelas hendaklah membetulkan nama pelajar tersebut dalam sistem APDM dan menghubungi Setiausaha Peperiksaan sekolah bagi mengimport semula maklumat pelajar ke dalam sistem SAPS.

  1. Tekan Import Data APDM - Senarai Murid SAPS & APDM.
  2. Tekan butang di bawah Tindakan bagi delete nama pelajar.
  3. Tekan OK.
  4. Tekan Import untuk menerima nama pelajar yang telah dikemaskini.
    Pembetulan terhadap kesalahan nama pelajar tersebut adalah tidak mempengaruhi markah-markah peperiksaan sebelum ini namun Setiausaha Peperiksaan perlu memproses semula bagi membetulkan nama pelajar tersebut dalam slip peperiksaan.

Mengemaskini bilangan pelajar dalam setiap subjek.
Guru mata pelajaran boleh mengubah bilangan pelajar dalam setiap subjek yang diajar.

  1. Tekan Masuk mengikut jenis peperiksaan setelah login ke sistem.
  2. Tekan Menu Guru MP.
  3. Tekan Markah Peperiksaan.
  4. Tekan Klik disini untuk mengubah bilangan murid setiap subjek.

Bagaimanakah sekiranya seorang Setiausaha Peperiksaan ingin menukar admin kepada guru yang lain?
Anda dikehendaki memasuki sistem SAPS untuk menukar admin kepada guru yang lain.

  1. Tekan Masuk mengikut peperiksaan.
  2. Tekan Menu Kemudahan.
  3. Tekan Tukar Admin.
  4. Tekan Pilih Guru untuk mendapatkan senarai guru.
  5. Tekan Hantar setelah memilih Setiausaha Peperiksaan yang baharu.

Pendaftaran sekolah baharu di sistem SAPS.
Bagi sekolah baharu yang belum mendaftar di sistem SAPS, pihak sekolah tersebut hendaklah menghubungi pegawai perhubungan SAPS di JPN. Kod sekolah akan didaftarkan untuk sekolah berkenaan melalui Helpdesk SAPS. Pihak sekolah hendaklah memilih seorang guru untuk dilantik sebagai Setiausaha Peperiksaan bagi sekolah tersebut. Guru yang dilantik perlu melayari portal SAPS untuk mendaftarkan diri.

Pendaftaran nama para guru dan pelajar ke sistem SAPS
Melalui portal APDM, pihak sekolah dikehendaki mengemaskini data para guru dan pelajar dengan lebih awal. Setiausaha Peperiksaan boleh mengimport data-data ke dalam SAPS hanya setelah ia dikemaskini dalam APDM.
Guru boleh memilih sama ada mahu import data dari APDM, import Darjah ataupun import Individu.

Pendaftaran guru mata pelajaran yang baharu ke sistem SAPS.
Pendaftaran guru mata pelajaran baharu boleh dilakukan dengan 2 cara iaitu Mendaftarkan sendiri serta Mendaftar melalui Setiausaha Peperiksaan.
Langkah-langkah bagi Pendaftaran sendiri

  1. Melayari ke https://sapsnkra.moe.gov.my
  2. Tekan daftar ID Guru di portal SAPS.
  3. Mengisi No IC, ID Pengguna, Kata Laluan 2 kali.
  4. Tekan Daftar.

Daftar ID Guru

Langkah-langkah bagi Pendaftaran melalui Setiausaha Peperiksaan.

  1. Login ke sistem SAPS.
  2. Tekan menu Guru.
  3. Tekan Tambah Guru.
  4. Mengisi No IC, Nama guru, Jantina serta maklumat yang lain.
  5. Tekan Simpan.

Menukarkan guru ke sekolah yang baharu.
Sebelum guru mata pelajaran ataupun guru kelas ditukar ke sekolah baharu, perkara ini mesti dimaklumkan dahulu kepada Setiausaha Peperiksaan sekolah supaya bantu memindahkan maklumat guru berkenaan ke sekolah lain dalam sistem SAPS.
Langkah memindahkan maklumat guru ke sekolah lain dalam sistem SAPS.

  1. Tekan menu Guru.
  2. Tekan Kemaskini Guru.
  3. Tekan Pindah Sekolah.
  4. Tekan Pilih.
  5. Mengisi Kod Sekolah ataupun Nama Sekolah baharu.
  6. Memilih Sekolah baharu.
  7. Tekan Pindah Guru.

Subjek-subjek guru yang berpindah akan didaftarkan dengan guru lain yang menggantikan guru berkenaan.

Langkah-langkah menggantikan subjek guru. (Dilakukan oleh guru yang mengambil alih)

  1. Tekan Menu Guru MP.
  2. Tekan Daftar MP.
  3. Memilih Tingkatan, Kelas, MP dan Bil. Murid Ambil.
  4. Tekan Hantar.

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Daftar SSO KPM (Single Sign On) online


@admin wrote:

SSO KPM membenarkan log masuk sekali ke beberapa sistem yang berlainan. Fungsi ini telah memudahkan penggunaan sistem kpm kerana pengguna hanya perlu ingat dan gunakan satu ID dan Password. Guru-guru dapat menjimatkan masa apabila boleh membuka beberapa sistem yang berlainan dengan sekali login. Antara sistem kpm yang sokong fungsi SSO adalah berikut:

  • APDM
  • eSPBT
  • eOperasi
  • eGtukar
  • eGraduan
  • eProfil
  • ePrestasi
  • ePangkat
  • ePelepasan
  • Tatatertib
  • PTM
  • EMIS

Pelaksanaan SSO akan dilakukkan pada masa ke masa terhadap sistem sistem yang lain.

Daftar SSO KPM kali pertama

Langkah pendaftaran berikut boleh digunakan untuk mendaftar SSO melalui eOperasi, eMIS atau ADPM.

  1. Log masuk ke sistem menggunakan nombor ID, kata laluan dan kad pengenalan
    daftar sso

  2. Untuk pendaftaran kali pertama SSO, klik Senarai SSO .
    daftar sso 2

  3. Klik ‘Register SSO now’
    daftar sso 3

  4. Masukkan kata laluan dan email, kemudian klik Daftar.

Pertanyaan berkaitan SSO KPM boleh dihantar ke ssokpm@moe.gov.my.

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Aplikasi Pangkalan Data Murid (APDM)


@admin wrote:

The Full Guide of Aplikasi Pangkalan Data Murid (APDM)

The Student Database Application (APDM) is a Student Management Module launched by the Ministry of Education to compile information regarding student related data, including parent’s information, attendance and registration for secondary school. The Student Database Application is an important tool used to manage student data at the school level, District Education Office (PPD), State Education Department (JPN) and the Ministry of Education (MOE). It is important to ensure that all school and student data are current.

Other than the APDM admin at PPD and JPN, class teachers and an admin assigned at the school are the main users of the system. They are the ones managing their respective school and student data.
The school ADPM admin is assigned by the Head Master/Principal of the school. In most cases, this is assigned to the Senior Assistant of Student Affairs (PK HEM). The role of the school admin is to assist in managing and handling student/school data among class teachers and the ADPM admin in PPD. The school admin also assists in resolving any issues faced by class teachers when accessing APDM.
At the school level, Class Teachers are responsible to update student data, class data and student subjects in the APDM system. The class teacher must work together with the school admin to ensure that student data sent to the PPD is accurate.

Logging Into APDM

Step 1:
School Admin goes to the Student Database Application (APDM) website at the link http://apdm.moe.gov.my

Step 2:
On the left side of the website, log in to the ADPM site by keying in the User ID and password.


User ID: School code
(Use UPPERCASE letters without any spaces. For example: ABC1234)
Password: ******

The password is the default password given by the system to the school Admin. The school admin is advised to change the password after logging in to APDM for the first time for account security purposes.
Press enter to log in to the ADPM system.
Updating School Information
The school admin is responsible to ensure that all school information in the APDM is updated and always kept current. The steps are as follows:
Step 1:
Go to the APDM website.
Step 2:
Enter the User ID and Password to log in to the APDM system.
Step 3:
After logging in, go to the Update menu. This is where school information can be updated or amended.
Step 4:
Save updated information by clicking on Update Schook Information (Kemas kini Maklumat Sekolah). Once done, all current information would be saved in APDM.

Among other functions of the student database application system are:
⦁ Registering new class teachers/Replacing previous class teachers
⦁ Registering a new class/Deleting an previous class
⦁ Verifying all student data that is submitted by class teachers
⦁ Submitting MBMMBI reports
⦁ Downloading and saving student data in Excel format
⦁ Resetting the password for class teachers/school admin
⦁ Updating class teacher subjects
⦁ Updating student data
⦁ Registering/adding data for new students
⦁ Changing student’s class
⦁ Updating student subjects
⦁ Updating student placement application
⦁ Updating student placement appeal application
⦁ eKehadiran for student attendance
⦁ eDaftar Sekolah Menengah for Secondary School Registration
⦁ Download Student Information Form
⦁ Importing and exporting student data

Registering new class teachers/Replacing previous class teachers and Registering a new class/Deleting an existing class

Class teacher information needs to be updated by the school admin. When there is a new teacher, the school admin needs to add the new teacher in to the records in APDM and delete records of previous teachers who are no longer in service.
The following are the steps to register a new class teacher or replace previous class teachers in the APDM system:

Step 1:
School APDM admin goes to the APDM site.

Step 2:
Log in to the APDM system using the User ID and password.

Step 3:
Go to the menu for Class Registration (Pendaftaran Kelas).

Step 4:
If it is an existing class, press Update (Kemas kini) at the end of the class name to change or update the Class Teacher’s name.

Not an existing class?

Click Add Class (Tambah Kelas) to add the class if it is not listed.
Finally, click Update Class Information (Kemas kini Maklumat Kelas) to save the new class teacher’s information.

To register a new class
Click Add Class (Tambah Kelas) to add a new class and click Update (Kemas kini) at the end of the new class name.
To delete an existing class
Click Delete at the end of the name of an existing class. The school admin is advised to check and verify the class that is to be deleted. There should be no students listed in the class before deleting it. To check student information, refer to section for updating student information.

Verifying all student data that is submitted by class teachers
Verification of all student data has to be done by the School APDM Admin before it is submitted to the PPD admin. Student data must be checked thoroughly before it it verified to ensure accuracy of data. The school admin can verify all student data as follows:
Reviewing data
After logging in to the APDM system, click Student Data (Data Murid). Here, the admin needs to ensure that the total number of students and the number of students for each class, including numbers based on gender, are correct.
Click on the name of the class required to display the student list according to class and gender.
Click Student Data (Data Murid) to check any updates of student data done by the class teacher.
Move the cursor to Class (Kelas) to display all classes according to year.
To display the student name list, click on the name of the class required.
Click on the student’s name and parent’s information to review information such as parent’s income and others.

Click on Student Data (Data Murid), click on the bottom part of the screen where it says:
“All student data above has been updated” (“Semua data murid seperti di atas telah dikemas kini”)
to verify all student data in the APDM system.
Verification Period for All Student Data
The school admin needs to verify all student data in the period that has been specified, which is between the 1st to the 7th of every month. The menu for Student Data Verification will not be available starting on the 8th and will only reappear on the 1st of the following month.
All student data that has been verified by the school administration or management will be notified to the relevant authorities such as the PPD, JPN and MOE. The APDM admin from the respective sections will handle all the data. Monitoring of data will be conducted by these authorities to ensure that student data in the APDM system is always up to date and can be used by the MOE system from time to time as required.

Submitting MBMMBI reports
MBMMBI stands for Memartabatkan Bahasa Malaysia, Memperkukuhkan Bahasa Inggeris, a policy developed by the Ministry of Education Malaysia to uplift the usage of the Malay language and strengthen the usage of English language.
The report for the implementation of MBMMBI can be done by the school’s APDM admin.

Step 1:
Click on Class Registration (Pendaftaran Kelas) to submit a report of the implementation of MBMMBI, either for each class or to update existing information.

Step 2:
Click Add Class (Tambah Kelas), for any new classes.

Step 3:
For existing classes, click Update (Kemas Kini) at the end of the class name.

Step 4:
Once information has been updated, click Update Class Information (Kemas kini Maklumat Kelas) to save.
Downloading and saving student data in Excel format
If the school requires sharing of data for analysis or other purposes, the school’s APDM admin dan Class Teachers can download student data in Excel format.

Step 1:
After logging in to the system, click Student Data (Data Murid).

Step 2:
Data will be downloaded according to class or year. Click Download Excel (Muat Turun Excel) at the top right corner of the screen to save the data to your computer and access data when offline.

Resetting the password for class teachers/school admin
The school admin may reset passwords for Class Teachers who have forgotten their APDM password.

Step 1:
After logging in to the system, go to Class Registration (Pendaftaran Kelas).

Step 2:
Click Reset Password (Reset Kata Laluan) at the section of the respective teacher’s name. The class teacher’s password will be reset to the default password, which is the password provided automatically by the system. The school admin must ensure that the correct teacher is selected, as to not reset the password for other teachers.
Resetting Password for the School Admin
The password for the school admin can only be reset by the APDM admin at the PPD. The school admin needs to contact the PPD immediately to reset the password.

Logging in as a Class Teacher
Class teachers can only access the APDM system once the school’s APDM admin has registered the class teacher in to the system.

Step 1:
Go to the APDM website.
Enter User ID : Class teacher’s IC number (without any symbols or spaces, for example: 923456789123)
Enter password : ******
Class teachers are advised to change the default password given after logging in for the first time, for security purposes.

Step 2:
Click Enter (Hantar) to log in to the APDM system.
Class teachers can update student data or records available in the APDM system. Click Student Data (Data Murid) to display the student name list.
The student data that is to be updated should already be listed according to class. Data can be updated by clicking on the name of the student required. Information that can be changed include IC number, birth certificate number, passport number or no document.
New students can be added by clicking on Register Student (Daftar Murid).
Student’s class can be changed by clicking Update Class (Kemas kini Kelas).
Since some students take different subjects, class teachers can also update the subjects taken by each student. This is done by going into the Subject (Subjek) menu.


Click Settings (Tetapan) to assign student to the respective subject. Click on the Subject settings (Tetapan Subjek) to choose all students or click to choose each student individually.

The Teachers Setting (Tetapan Guru) can be chosen from the dropdown menu. The number of teachers teaching each subject depends on the choice made by the Senior Assistant Teacher (Guru Penolong Kanan, GPK).


For Dual Language Program (DLP) subjects, the DLP Settings (Tetapan DLP) will be displayed. Click the box for students who are under the DLP program.

Click Update Student Subjects (Kemas kini Subjek Murid).

Click No. of Students (Bil. Murid Ambil) to display the list of student that have been assigned according to subjects.

The eKehadiran function in the Student Database Application records student attendance to school. It can either be marked as present, present but late, not present with a reason or not present.
Other than recording student attendance, this function can also display monthly and annual student attendance reports. Class teachers can also check students attendance that has been updated by choosing the date required
It can be accessed either using a desktop computer or any Android device.
This application was developed to record student attendance for each school session according to class, in real time, easily and quickly, without the teacher leaving the classroom. The system can provide information quickly, precisely, efficiently, in a systematic and user friendly manner.

eDaftar Sekolah Menengah
Application for placement of primary six students to form one (1) or Transition class for National Secondary Schools (SMK) can be made via the eDaftar Menengah application, through the Student Management Module.

Primary 6 teachers are responsible to register their students for form 1 and must know the proper way to utilise this application.
The Senior Assistant of Student Affairs (PK HEM) plays an important role in this registration process. Information needs to be updated carefully to make sure there are no errors. Student data needs to be updated before registration using eDaftar. Among information that needs to be updated are:
⦁ Identification Card No
⦁ UPSR Examination Number
⦁ Name (According to Identification Card)
⦁ Address
⦁ Telephone Number
⦁ Nationality
⦁ Child number from total number of siblings
⦁ Distance from home to school
⦁ Who student stays with
⦁ Data of Main Guardian
⦁ Data of Secondary Guardian
⦁ Co-curiculum Data

The Senior Assistant of HEM (School Admin) will ensure that the “Feeder Schools” set by PPD are the correct schools.
The Senior Assistant of HEM is also responsible ensure the number of Primary 6 classes and students are correct in the Brief Analysis section.
Primary School teachers make suggestions and fill in the choice of placement of Primary 6 students to transition/form 1 for the current year according to the school’s “Feeder Schools”.
Non-citizen students will automatically be tagged with red lines.
Students with non-citizen status & permanent resident (PR) are NOT allowed to apply for Form One placement through the eDAFTAR MENENGAH application. They are required to refer to their PPD.
Section B eDaftar (Filled by Class Teacher)

  1. After the PK HEM validates the list of feeder schools, class teachers needs to login to the app using their existing class Teacher’s account to start the application to Form 1 at https://apdm.moe.gov.my.
  2. Teachers can begin to fill the application by clicking on the Update application button. Teachers are must make sure that the list of students is complete. Non-resident students can not apply to Form 1 through this application.
  3. The class Teacher will make the choice of school and specify the reason for the school of choice to facilitate PPD placement and also needs to specify the distance from the student’s home to the school.
  4. If the student chooses to apply to schools not in the feeder list, click External Feeder to display the list of schools located outside the feeder.
  5. Additional information is required for SJKC and SJKT students, where the scores for comprehension and writing is required for the transition class.
  6. Co-curriculum information will be filled when the class teacher updates the Co-curriculum menu in Student Data. Click the update button to submit the application.
  7. A display as below will appear after updating. The preferred school will be shown for the students who have been submitted. Continue the same process for other students.

Data Verification and Copy of Placement Letter
After all class teachers complete the application for placement, the PK HEM will check the Brief Analysis section. Failure to do the verification on the date that has been set will be subject to the Show Cause Letter. Once the PPD grants placement approval, the primary school can print the placement letter for all Primary 6 students.

Student Information Form
Teachers can download the student information form through the student database application. This data is collected at the start of the year to be updated by class teachers.
Among the student information that is collected include their full name, identification card number, nationality, race, religion, address, type of aid received and others. It also includes information regarding parents or guardians, such as their full name, status, contact number, occupation, income and other related information.
This data is very useful in the future for example in determining the eligibility of a student to receive financial aid such as KWAMP and others.

Importing and exporting data from the Student Database Application
The data compiled in the Student Database Application is complete and comprehensive. As such, it is very useful if the data can be exported to other systems or if it is required on an ad-hoc basis because all the data is readily available. For this purpose, teachers are able to log into the system and export student data easily.
For teachers, particularly LINUS teachers who want to import student data, the server for the NKRA LINUS portal often experiences high load causing problems to occur. Teachers are advised to import student data at non peak hours or to do the data import process in stages.

Verification of “I’m not a Robot” when logging into Student Database Application
The security issue previously encountered in the Student Database Application system (the I am not a Robot issue) has been resolved. Teachers only need to tick the box provided once and do not need to undergo the screening test again as previously required.
The purpose of this verification is to enhance the system’s security level from unauthorised use, such as the use of robots, User Agents and others.

Should there be any problems with accessing or using the APDM application, please contact the PPD in your respective districts. Or you can ask question in the new apdm forum.

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Login guide for eOperasi


@admin wrote:

eOperasi is one of the modules for the School Management System (SPS) of the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) under Teachers Management. This module was developed by the Information Management Division (BPM of MOE) and is regulated by the Day School Management Division (BPSH), Human Resource Management Division (BPSM), and MOE Education Operations Sector (SOP).

This module involves the management of data related to teachers and non-teachers involving several categories of users, namely system administrators (MOE management at Division, State, District, and School level), and users (teachers and non-teachers).

eOperasi can be considered as the backbone to several online systems in the national education system. Information for all teachers are compiled and coordinated online through eOperasi. All teachers are required to enter and update their respective personal and service information through this system. eOperasi can be said to function in a similar way as the Student Database Application (ADPM) but for teachers.

It is essential that information in e-Operasi is kept up-to-date as most MOE applications are linked to the data in e-Operasi. Applications such as eGtukar, ePangkat, SPLKPM and others all utilize the information in e-Operasi.

For example, e-Operasi is linked to eGtukar, the system for teachers to request transfer to a different location. Failure to update information in e-Operasi will cause inaccuracy in data available in eGtukar.

Category of Users

The main target users of this module are system administrators (MOE management at Division, State, District, and School level), and users (teachers and non-teachers).
Users – only users that are REGISTERED by the System Administrator are authorised to register and use this module.

System Administrator – only system administrators that have been appointed by MOE are authorised to use this module according to the role that has been set out.
URL and Browser.

The URL for e-Operasi is https://eoperasi.moe.gov.my

It is best viewed using Internet Explorer (IE) 7 and above, Mozilla Firefox 3.0.18 and above, or Chrome with a resolution of 1024 x 768.

e-Operasi Interface

The main e-Operasi page features several important sections, namely Announcements (Pengumuman), Log In (Log Masuk), Help feature (Bantuan), error messages (if any), copyright and disclaimer. Any latest information can be obtained through the announcement section and by logging in to e-Operasi.
The error message will be displayed to notify users of any incorrect details that were entered during log in. The help section will assist users with issues such as forgotten password, changing password and user registration.

User Registration

Click User Registration on the left hand Log In menu to start the registration process.
Users need to fill the registration section properly to ensure no problems are encountered when logging in to the system. Ensure that all details are correct and accurate, particularly the Name, identification card number, Salary number and e-mail. The password, and the security question and answer needs to be remembered because these are required if the password needs to be changed later on.

Click the SAVE (SIMPAN) button to register. The user can proceed to the LOG IN section to start using the system. The registration details will be sent to the e-mail address provided. Log in by entering the User ID, password and identification card number that has been registered.

The log in menu also includes buttons for forgotten password and to change the current password.
With the Single Sign On (SSO) application, users can also sign in to e-Operasi using the same User ID and password as registered under SSO. Register for SSO at : https://sps1.moe.gov.my/indexsso.php

For Users

Once logged in, the user’s name and identification card number will be displayed. The menu list is on the left hand side of the website. There is a link on the top right section to download a user’s manual. In the event that any of the details are incorrect, the user needs to inform PK1/PK2/PK3 in order for the information to be updated.


A close-up on the menu.

For system administrators, the following screen will be displayed, with a menu list of the left hand section of the site.

Information in e-Operasi

  • Teacher information in e-Operasi includes:
  • Personal Information – latest profile picture, current address, correspondence address
  • Spouse Information
  • Academic Information – qualifications, education level, specialization, level of specialization
  • Academic History Information – academic details, institution where qualifications were obtained
  • Information on Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) – if applicable
  • Current Subjects Taught – subjects taught, hours per subject
  • Professional Record Information – professional qualifications and options, institution where qualifications where obtained
  • Service Records/Information – date when reported for duty, date started teaching at particular school and others
  • Teaching Experience Information
  • Allowance Information
  • Co-curriculum Information
  • Property Declaration Information

Link between eOperasi and eGTukar
eGTukar is the system used for teachers to request for transfers, whether it is a transfer to a school within the same district or to a different district or state. All applications must be done through eGTukar.
Through this system, teachers only need to fill in their application once a year and the results will be announced three times a year. It is seen as a measure to overcome the problem of teachers who have failed in their application for transfer even after serving for a long period of time. Besides various indicators that are used to determine and evaluate those who are more qualified for a transfer, this measure by the MOE is hoped to facilitate management at the upper levels.

For teachers who fail in their application, information that is not up-to-date in the e-Operasi system may be one of the causes. For example, not updating marital status or spouse information, no declaration of property or current subjects taught are not up-to-date.
If the reason for request of transfer is to be close to the spouse but the marital status is not updated, it may not be considered. Teachers who are teaching examination year classes such as the UPSR, PT3 or SPM classes, may be considered more vital to the school. If they are in fact not teaching those examination classes but the information was not updated, their application may be delayed. As such, it is the responsibility of the respective teachers to ensure that their information is always up-to-date and current.
Among information that may change regularly and need to be updated include:

  • Correspondence address
  • Spouse information
  • Number of children
  • Salary and allowance
  • Current service information

The e-Operasi mobile application is a free Android application made available by the MOE. By downloading this application, teachers will receive direct notifications to their smart phones for the latest information regarding e-Operasi.

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Full Guide ePangkat Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia


@admin wrote:

The ePangkat system was developed to manage rank advancement and promotion matters for teachers. It is hoped to avoid any issues or errors and to facilitate the management of the rank promotion process.

A system similar to ePangkat was first introduced online in 2008 with the aim to avoid internal weaknesses in rank management such as delays in processing affairs and promotion. It was realised that issues such as overlapping of recommendation and promotion process could also affect the image of MOE.

Prior to this, various problems arose causing many teachers to fail to get their promotion due to issues such as incomplete information, inaccurate data, obsolete data and more. Many problems occurred because there was no systematic process. This led to the idea and the creation of this system called ePangkat.

Objectives of ePangkat
ePangkat was created to carry out important functions such as

  • The process of appointing deputies
  • Resolving issues of delay and overlapping affairs in rank advancement
  • Promotion/rank advancement
  • Placement of deputies
  • Resolve issues regarding exchange of position
  • Monitoring and updating rank advancement data for the Education Service Officers (PPPs) and Support Service Members (AKS) under the Ministry of Education (MOE)

In addition, the e-Pangkat system of MOE also

  • Automates all processes and operations for appointment of deputies, promotions, placement of deputies and exchange of positions due to promotions, and enable planning to implemented in a timely manner
  • Encourage an efficient and systematic work system for rank advancement matters through the application of information and communication technology.
  • Foster a sense of responsibility to update and complete data for rank advancement/promotions from each level.
  • Provides a flexible and organized promotion information system to meet the needs of MOE members and stakeholders.

ePangkat was created to facilitate applications, approvals and other matters related to the promotion of teachers. With ePangkat, users (teachers / candidates) can enter, review and update their information from time to time.

ePangkat is an integrated and comprehensive online application to enable users to apply and process matters related to appointment as a deputy and rank advancement for Education Service Officers (PPPs) and Support Services Members (AKS) under MOE.

The Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) will fully utilize the Promotion System (ePangkat) for all matters regarding appointment as a deputy and promotions. In this regard, all Education Service Officers (PPPs) and Support Services Members (AKS) under the administration of their respective departments/schools are required to update their data fully and accurately.

Accuracy of information is very important in the ePangkat system as it will affect all affairs regarding appointment as a deputy and promotion activities. All schools have been briefed on the procedure of using ePangkat by their respective District Education Officers.

Among the information stored in ePangkat include:

  1. Personal information
  2. Academic information***
  3. Property Declaration Information ***
  4. Working Experience Information ***
  5. PTK information
  6. Performance Information ***
  7. Defaulter Information
  8. Special Performance Information ***
  9. Service Information ***
  10. AKS
  12. PPPLD / PPPS
  13. MACC’s Integrity Information
  14. Assessment for Excellence Path
  15. Action Information ***
  16. Period of Trial Punishment
  17. Disciplinary
    Only those marked *** only need to be updated by Head of Department

The party responsible for the updating of PPP and AKP data is as follows:

Additional ePangkat Information

  1. Review of promotion result online does not involve matters regarding appointment of deputies.
  2. Time-Based promotions Based on Excellence is carried out in stages according to the qualifying period of service and recommendation by the Head of Department.
  3. The Human Resource Management Division of MOE is not responsible for the misuse of Identification Card number by another candidate through this system.
  4. Any inquiries for the purpose of reviewing the status of promotions via e-mail should be attached with the information in the table below.
  5. Education Service Officers (PPPs) who were SUCCESSFUL for promotion may check the status of their promotion letter with the head of the department / division after the 30 working days from the date of data upload.

ePangkat for the Ministry of Education Malaysia
PPPs and AKS appointed by the SPP of MOE are allowed to access ePangkat for the following:
Review of personal and service information.
Application to advertise deputy position / promotions to be posted in ePangkat.
To check the current status of general terms and status during application of advertisement for deputy position / promotions which were applied through ePangkat.

Using ePangkat

  1. Register for ePangkat at https://epangkat.moe.gov.my/login.php
    Log in using the User ID and password. Only registered users are allowed to access ePangkat.
    For the first time log in procedure, please refer to http://www.moe.gov.my/epangkat/firsttimelogin.php
  2. Ensure that the name, position and work place is correct.
    For advertisements:
  3. Click on the Application Module (Modul Permohonan) on the left hand side menu of ePangkat.
  4. Advertisement List Sub-Module
    If there is an advertisement, candidates may click on the ad name to apply. A message will be displayed if there are no ads at the time.
    This sub-module allows candidates to view their application status for deputy positions/ promotions applied via ePangkat. Select Year and Choice (Closed /Open) to display the status of the application.
  5. Personal Information Sub-Module
    This sub-module allows candidates to check personal and service information that have been updated by their respective Department Administrator. Any errors in the information displayed may be referred to the respective Administrators of the Department through the Head of Administrative Assistant BRP or the relevant officer.
  6. Review of General Terms Sub-Module
    This sub-module allows candidates to review information and general terms for deputy positions/promotion as follows:
  • Confirmed in service
  • Performance Assessment Report for the past 3 years
  • Passed PTK (Before 2010)
  • No disciplinary and legal action
  • Has done declaration of property
  • Passed the MACM Integration Filter
  • Free from the status of the Defaulter of the Education Loan Institution
  • For forgotten password and other enquiries, e-mail the following information to epangkat@moe.gov.my
  • Full name
  • Identification Card Number
  • Grade
  • Job Title
  • Work Place
  • Teachers Promotion Path (Education Service Officers - PPPs)

There are 3 paths for PPP promotion, namely the SUBSTANTIVE path (laluan HAKIKI), the EXCELLENCE path (laluan KECEMERLANGAN) and the TIME-BASED path.

The SUBSTANTIVE path has been practised since 1957 (after independence). The EXCELLENCE path was implemented in 1994. And the TIME-BASED path was introduced in 1998. The TIME-BASED path was then enhanced and combined as the TIME-BASED path BASED ON EXCELLENCE in 2009 and features a shorter period for promotion.

  1. Substantive Path
  • Administration – for those interested in the role as a Headmaster, Senior Assistant Teacher or Head of Department/Senior Teacher. The substantive grade for Senior Assistant is 48 and for Head of Department/Senior Teacher is 44.
  • General/Technical/Islamic Education Field
  • IPGM / IAB – position for lecturers at Teacher Training Institutes in Malaysia or those working at Institut Aminudin Baki. Must possess at a Master’s degree to apply.
  • Matriculation College – Service in grade 41 for at least 5 – 6 years and will be provided a promotion to grade 44 (Substantive) as a lecturer in Matriculation College. However, the opportunity to move to the next grade is rather limited and in some cases, requires applicant to move to Matriculation Colleges with vacancies.
  • Form 6 – Teachers teaching in Form 6 may also be appointed to a substantive position as the Academic Teacher of Form 6 or as the Senior Assistant Teacher for Form 6.
  1. Excellence Path
    This is the alternative path for teachers who are not interested in administrative work and want a more express path.
  • Excellent Principal
  • Excellent Officer
  • Excellent Lecturer
  • Excellent Teacher (SM)
  • Excellent Teacher (SR)
  1. Time-Based
    This is the safest, most comfortable path, chosen by most teachers. After a certain period, promotion will be granted. Previously, promotion through the time based path took up to 10 years but now, with TBBK (Time-based, based on Excellence criteria), the period is shorter with an 8 – 8 – 6 – 4 formula. However, not all officers and teachers obtain promotion through this path.
    The time-based path is also divided into two categories, namely Ordinary Time Based and Time Based for former PPLD candidates.
  2. Special Path
    For Headmasters who are former PPLD candidates.

Some frequently asked questions of ePangkat

What are the principles used in setting up the starting salary for a promotion?

The principles adopted are as set out in Rule 42, P.U. (A) 176, the salary received by a promoted public officer shall be higher than the final salary received in the previous grade. The prescribed salary is not less than 1 salary movement of the previous grade.

Which circular is referred to in setting the salary for a promotion?
Service Circular Number 14 Year 2007.

Do officers who are upgraded earlier than the date of the previous grade salary movement lose in terms of salary movement compared to officers promoted to the same rank or after the salary movement date in previous grade?
Officers promoted ahead of the date of the previous grade salary movement will not suffer losses because the salary of the officer will be advanced before the salary movement in the previous grade on the promotion date, before the promotion salary is set.

Review of ePangkat Results Through ePangkat Keputusan
To check the status of your application or the latest update, you can login using your identity card number to the following portal: https://naikpangkat.moe.gov.my/

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ePrestasi - education system by KPM


@admin wrote:

ePrestasi - Integrated Assessment for Education Services Officers (PBPPP)

ePrestasi is one of the MOE applications under the Teachers Information System. Previously, teachers were assessed using the Annual Performance Evaluation Reporting System (LNPT). Now they will be assessed using the Integrated Assessment for Education Services Officer (PBPPP) which has been fully implemented since 2016.

This new assessment is based on the concept of Job and Work Place, according to the established performance standards in line with the Government Transformation Program (GTP 2.0) and the Malaysian Education Development Plan (PPPM) 2013 -2025, namely Shift 4 (Transforming the Teaching Profession into the Profession of Choice) and Shift 5 (Ensuring High Performance Leadership is available at Every School).

The implementation of PBPPP is compulsory because PBPPP has impact and implications on the services of each PPP with regard to promotion, career advancement and others.

This assessment also takes into account the assessment of competence and evaluation of success. Competency assessment (penilaian kompetensi) comprises professional value, activity management, contribution and PDP professional skills, whereas evaluation of success (keberhasilan) include PDP success, counselling success and coaching success. However, it is all dependent on the different lines of work.

PBPPP focuses on the following elements:

  • Competency
  • Potential
  • Achievement
It is based on the officer’s grade and position and also takes into account the various job descriptions of an Education Services Officer (PPP).

Implementation Goal:

  • To improve efficiency and commitment to produce high performance Education Service Officers.
  • To provide a comprehensive assessment that combines the competencies, potentials and achievements of teachers.
  • To support aspirations towards high quality education
The objectives of PBPPP are:
  • To assess the competence and potential of the personnel.
  • To assess the work achievements of the employee assessed.
  • To identify the competence and potential of the assessed officers to enable the development of professionalism to continue to be implemented.
  • To identify the needs for career path development.

The implementation of PBPPP is compulsory as it also gives an implication to services such as promotion, career advancement and so on.

Prior to the assessment, the assessor should ensure that the following has been established:

Establishment of Committee

Implementation Checklist for the Integrated Assessment of Education Service Officers:

  • Ensure PBPPP management files are provided.
  • Ensure the adoption of PBPPP Implementation Directive Letter from the KSU.
  • Establish a PBPPP Committee for the organization.
  • Ensure appointment of the Committee is registered in the ePrestasi system.
  • Send the appointment letter of the Organization’s Committee for endorsement by the supervisory body in ePrestasi.
  • Ensure the Committee is endorsed by the overseeing organization in ePrestasi.
  • Print the List of names of the Organization’s Committee from the ePrestasi system to be inserted in the file.
  • Confirm and distribute the Committee list to PBPPP committee.
  • Conduct the Organization’s Committee Meeting.
Determination of Assessment Officer (PP) and Officer to be Assessed (PYD)
  • Determine the PP for each PYD.
  • Ensure the arrangement and appointment of PP1 and PP2 are registered
  • Ensure that the appointment of PP1 and PP2 is endorsed by the overseeing organization.
  • Print, validate and distribute PP lists.
  • Inform the PYD of the PP's appointment.
  • Assessment timetable.
  • Proof that PP has PBPPP instruments, Instruments Guideline, Assessment Officer’s Guideline, Achievement Component Guideline.
PBPPP is a flexible form of assessment as it is not tied down to just one method, time or place of assessment. Assessment can be conducted by the PPs according the suitable method, time and place, based on the work that is done by the PYD.

The performance level of a PYD in PBPPP is divided into four categories, namely Excellent, High, Moderate, Low.

  • Excellent (90 – 100%)
  • High (80 – 89.99%)
  • Moderate (60 – 79.99%)
  • Low (0 – 59.99%)
ePrestasi or PBPPP is very important to those who want to ensure that their career in the field of education continues to grow and develop, particularly for those who are interested to go in to the PPD, JPN or MOE or apply for the Excellent Teachers award. All of these require excellent performance scores which will lead to better career development.

The ePrestasi System

This system can only be accessed by the Committee Members and PP. However, resources and materials related to PBPPP can be downloaded from the website.

Setting the Assessment Officer (PP) for New Teachers (PYD)

The appointed Committee Member needs to log in to the system and set the PP for new teachers. Once logged in, choose the icon for New Teacher’s Assessment (Penilaian Guru Baharu) and the list of new teachers will be displayed.

Click to set the PP (Penetapan Pegawai Penilai (PP)) and set PP1 and PP2, and Save.


The appointed PP1 or PP2 logs in to the system and clicks the respective icon as below.

Click on the Identification Card Number of the PYD.

The PBPPP marks form will be displayed for assessment. Ensure that the name of the PYD and assessor is correct.

The marks for Achievement Marks that are Over Target (%) can only be filled out by PP1 once PP1 and PP2 does the marks adjustment. Once done, click to save the assessment (Simpan Penilaian). Once the marks are finalized, click to Send (Hantar).

A ‘Sent’ message will appear once assessment is complete.

Assessment Period

Flexibility is given to the organization to conduct continuous assessment in a one year period according to the calendar provided by the MOE. Assessment through the ePrestasi system needs to be conducted twice a year.

Assessment Phases

Throughout the one year period of assessment, there are 3 phases of assessment, namely pre-assessment, during assessment and post-assessment.


  1. Receive the PBPPP implementation calendar for the current year.
  2. PBPPP implementation briefing at the organization’s level.
  3. Appointment and confirmation of the PBPPP Committee at the organization’s level.
  4. Appointment and confirmation of PP.
  5. Planning of assessment timetable at the organization’s level.

During Assessment

  1. PP1 and PP2 hold discussion with PYD to determine achievement targets.
  2. PP1 and PP2 conduct continuous assessment of PYD.
  3. PP1 and PP2 conduct assessment through e-Prestasi system twice a year.
  4. PP holds discussions with PYD regarding his or her current achievements and provides guidance to improve the PYD’s performance in his or her work.
  5. PP1, PP2 and PYD reviews the achievement component after the first assessment.
  6. PP fills out, saves and sends PYD’s scores online through the ePrestasi system. PP makes a copy of the score form and gives a copy to the PYD for each assessment conducted.
  7. The organization’s PBPPP committee needs to monitor the implementation of PBPPP in their respective organizations to ensure it is implemented according to the timetable provided.


  1. The organization’s PBPPP Committee must meet to make adjustments for score differences of more than 10 between PP1 and PP2.
  2. The Committee must submit a finalized PYD score through the https://eprestasi.moe.gov.my website.
  3. The PYD can obtain (access) PBPPP performance marks for the year of assessment through the HRMIS System

To check PBPPP Results

  1. Log in to HRMIS Online
  1. Click on Performance Assessment Report (Laporan Penilaian Prestasi) in the Performance Management (Pengurusan Prestasi) section
  1. Click Function (Fungsi) > Performance Assessment (Penilaian prestasi) > Officer Assessed (Pegawai yang dinilai)
  1. Click on PBPPP Results Slip (Slip Keputusan PBPPP). Print Results Slip.

The above steps can be used to check PPP scores. If the scores are given does not match the work that has been done, the teachers can ask the administrator the reason why a low score was given.

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Login PAJSK & full guide


@admin wrote:


The Physical, Sports and Co-curricular Activities Assessment (PAJSK) is one of the components that is assessed in the Primary School Standard Curriculum (KSSR), made compulsory by the Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia. PAJSK is an assessment that is required for all primary and secondary school students. It was developed as an online system to enable the responsible parties (teachers) to input data easily and efficiently. PAJSK was implemented in secondary schools starting year 2012 and for primary schools in 2014.

Unlike the Student Module under the School Management System (SPS), namely the Student Database Application (APDM), the PAJSK system focuses not only on student data. This assessment involves reports on student involvements and activities. It encompasses 3 basic assessment components which are SEGAK, co-curricular and extra co-curricular activities.

Participation in these 3 components are a part of the teaching and learning process. The significance of these activities are equivalent to curriculum activities in the classroom because of its complementary role in teaching and learning of the students as well as developing human capital (students) who are all-rounders in cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects.


  • Tests conducted at school to determine fitness level and body mass index
  • Conducted twice a year in march and august for primary 4 to primary 6 students
  • Tests include BMI, step up and down (a bench), push-ups, partial sit-ups and the forward stretch
Co-curricular activities
  • For participation in sports and games, clubs and associations, uniformed groups
  • All participation are recorded to encourage students to obtain marks that are in accordance to their involvement in the activity
  • Only the highest mark is taken into account from either sports and games, clubs and associations or uniformed groups
  • Total marks is 110 (Involvement 50 marks, participation 40 marks, performance 20 marks)
  • The marks given also depend on the student’s position or role in the activity (as team leader, chairperson, committee member, active member, etc.), commitment and achievements in the respective activities and the level of participation (district, state, national or international)
Extra co-curricular activities
  • Student’s personality during involvement in community and voluntary activities
  • Either during school hours or outside school hours
  • Involves voluntary service, awards from external bodies, community service and the NILAM program

Components that are assessed under PAJSK

In terms of PAJSK marks, each module allocates different marks such as follows:

It is important particularly for parents to understand that the PAJSK also contributes a credit of 10% for the student’s placement into Institutions of Higher Learning (IPTA).

PAJSK Online

To log in to the PAJSK system to review co-curricular marks or to update the data, go to the URL: https://pajsk.moe.gov.my/index.php

The main page is shown above. Choose either primary school or secondary school, and click the relevant button from the list provided. For this example, the Senior Assistant Teacher (GPK) for Co-curricular activities is chosen.

Enter the School Code and password. For first time log in to the PAJSK 2017 website, the password is 123456.

login pajsk

Upon logging in, change the default password to a new password and enter the information for the GPK that has been appointed. Click Save (Simpan) after all information has been entered.

Updating Marks PAJSK Online

Click Update Student Marks and enter the previous year’s GPA information for the students

Select Year (Tahun) -> Click Search (Cari)

If you would like to conduct a more specific search, select year (class) -> enter identification card number/certificate number/passport number) and click to search.

The following display will be shown. Enter the information required and click Save (Simpan).

Other menus will only be opened once all marks from the previous year has been entered.

Click on the Club Association (Kelab Persatuan)/Sports Games (Sukan Permainan)/Uniformed Group (Badan Uniform)/Extra Co-curricular (Ekstra kurikulum) menu. In this example, we will use Club Association.

Select the year and name of the student required -> Click Search (Cari)

The following will be displayed.

Click on the paper icon to open the display below. Fill in all the information required and click Save (Simpan).

Once saved, the display below will be shown.


Users can also update and add new activities for the students.

Click on the pencil icon for any updates.

Click on the Add (Tambah) button to add activities. Addition of activities only requires information regarding the level of participation and achievement.

Once saved, the following display will be shown.


Main activities – can not be deleted, only updated.

Additional activities (participation) – can be deleted and updated.

Entering marks for SEGAK

Select the year and class -> Search (Cari)

The following type of display will be shown.


Click on the paper icon and the display below will be shown. Fill in all required information and save.

Click Report (Laporan)-> Marks Analysis (Analisis Markah) to view individual marks and activities.

Select Year, Class and click on the paper icon. The following display will be shown.


Click on Report (Laporan)-> List of Marks (Senarai Markah) to view the final marks for each component displayed according to class.

Select Year and Class, and the following will be displayed.



Click on the printer icon to print all information and student marks according to category.

Click on the paper icon to print information and marks individually.

Co-curricular Marks

Click on Marks Verification (Pengesahan Markah)-> Co-curricular Marks (Markah Kokurikulum) and the following will be displayed.


Complete Candidate – Students who have completed all three compulsory components.

Incomplete Candidate – Some marks have not been entered. Click on the blue numbers, list of student will be displayed.

Candidates not registered – No marks have been entered for any components.



Click on the X icon. The user will be brought to a page where student information can be completed.

Once all information is complete, the VERIFY MARKS (SAH MARKAH) will be enabled. Click the button to verify.

NOTE: Users will not be able to amend the marks once the verify button has been clicked. To reset, the user will need to contact JPN or BKK. Please ensure that all marks have been entered correctly to avoid any inconvenience.


The following is the sample display once marks have been verified.


The process of updating and entering marks in to the PAJSK system is not difficult. However, other problems such as teacher workload, problematic internet access and other external factors may be encountered in the process.

Flow chart for using the PAJSK system

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Login SPLG of KPM


@admin wrote:


The Teachers Training Management System or eSPLG is an online application developed by the Teachers Education Division (BPG) to manage, administer and record all information and data regarding training attended by teachers.

Previously, teachers used a small blue card to record all training sessions they attend including courses, workshops, briefings, seminars, conventions, forums, symposiums, educational visits or official visits, whether conducted outside the school or in the school itself. The card has to be filled in manually and because it is a small card, most teachers would make a copy before filling it out, in case any errors were made.


eSPLG is a system that is accessed through the SPLKPM portal (Training Management System of the Ministry of Education Malaysia). SPLKPM or Training Management System Ministry of Education Malaysia is one of the most important sites or portals for teachers. The portal was developed to facilitate and assist in the management processes of training sessions, courses, seminars and workshops that have been attended by teachers.

Through SPLKPM, teachers can log in to the Individual Module to view the list of courses that they have participated in. However, the course list needs to be updated or keyed in by the LDP Secretary or course organizer. Teachers can see whether the number of courses they have attended is sufficient for the year. Online courses such as the BOSOT Course are also be listed in the system.

Unlike the School Management System under the Teacher Management Module (eOperasi), SPLG focuses more on the training received by the teachers, be it courses, PLC, guidance and mentoring, book reviews, work visits, workshops, seminars or colloquiums, action inquiry and research, e-guru portal, knowledge sharing and writing and publishing.

Why is eSPLG important?

SPLG was developed to manage, administer and record all information/data regarding training sessions conducted at the executive level as well as record courses, learning sessions and self-learning sessions attended by teachers through the Outside Course Attendance (KKL) module and Book Review (BR) module.

What do teachers need to do?

Register for eSPLG at the URL: http://apps1.moe.gov.my/splg/

Select the Individual Module and click on the Individual Module. You will be redirected to a new link for registration: http://apps1.moe.gov.my/splg/i_SPLG/index.cfm

Log in using the identification card number without any symbols/dashes. The password is the last 4 digits of your I/C number. After successfully logging in, the password can be changed by selecting the change password menu.

ESPLG Interface

Log in at: https://splkpm.moe.gov.my/

(Select individual module)

Enter Identification Card Number and Password

After successfully logging in, you will see the following menus:

  • Introduction
  • SPLKPM Management
  • List of Courses Offered
  • Update Course Application
  • Training and Learning Sessions
  • List of LDP Attended/ Register KKL
  • List of Guidance and Mentoring
  • PLC List
  • Self-learning/ Other PPB activities
  • Other Training Records
  • Analysis and Reports
  • User Utility
  • E-Profil
  • Cv Curriculum Vitae

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is a survey regarding course requirements. To check the number of courses attended for the year, go to the Analysis and Reports menu, click reports and the number of days attended for the year will be displayed.

The courses listed in SPLKPM are the courses that have been registered by the SU LDP in the school. If there are any course attended that are not listed, please refer back to the SU LDP.

According to Circular No. 4 2014, all Course attended shall be recorded in the Training Management System (SPL). Although the PSD has deferred the obligation of the 7-Day Course in a year, the MOE is still proceeding with the implementation as stated in the Training Management Letter released by the MOE. Teachers do not need to worry about not achieving the 7 Days as required, as the various options are shown below:

Face-to-face / Conventional Training

Examples: Courses, seminars, conventions, workshops, forums, study tours, symposiums, counselling clinics.


Examples: Usage of the Public Sector E-Learning Portal (EPSA), BOSOT, reading academic books, reading Academic Journals, physical or virtual academic studies.

Learning sessions

Examples: Knowledge sharing session, Executive Talk Program, Monthly Assembly, Celebration Program, Speeches, Talks, Forums, Paper Presentation, Discussion Sessions, PLC, Delivering Lectures.


eProfil was developed with the aim to gather expertise information of educational service officers in Malaysia. The expertise data obtained enables the BPG and MOE to implement and strengthen training plans for the future.

The eProfil module forms a part of the main module in eSPLG. The basic eProfil data for teachers is directly accessed from the EMIS source, whereas the basic data for officers in the division and department still uses basic SPLG data. This basic data is maintained by the data officer/SULDP in their respective divisions and departments.

The Teachers Education Division is working to coordinate the information and data with the HRMIS database to enable all data to be obtained from the same source.

Updating your eProfil – select profile 1

Click Send once all information has been filled.

Updating Individual Profile 2

For Vocational and Technical Officers/Teachers

Update Service Experience

Other sections to be updated include awards and recognition, contributions, professional and non-professional involvements.

Register outside courses that were attended (KKL), namely courses that were attended outside the school such as at the PPD or JPN.

Register Book Review (BR) if the requirement for 7 days of courses in a year was not met.

Review and print report.

Forgotten password?

If you have forgotten your password, you can log in via [SSO KPM](http://sistemkpm.com/c/sso), through the Single Sign On application, or you can press 'Forgot Password'. Inform the SULDP of your school for further action.

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Login Guide to Portal ePerolehan


@admin wrote:

Login Gudie to Portal ePerolehan

ePerolehan is an electronic acquisition system aimed at facilitating government procurement activities and improve the quality of services provided. It converts the traditional (manual) procurement process to electronic procurement via the Internet.

The ePerolehan Portal serves as a central platform for ePerolehan information and a gateway to a comprehensive procurement system that enables Government agencies and suppliers to manage transactions efficiently and safely.

ePerolehan allows suppliers to showcase their products in the worldwide web network, receive, manage and process purchase orders and receive payments from government agencies via the Internet. The supplier’s product catalogues will be converted into electronic catalogues or eCatalogue, which can be viewed from any desktop using web browser software.

Suppliers have the ability to send quotations, obtain tender documents, send tender offers and check their application status through ePerolehan. ePerolehan also allows suppliers to register or renew their registration with the Ministry of Finance online and pay their registration fees through ePerolehan.

The ePerolehan Framework consists of various parties for a secured end-to-end transaction between Buyers and Sellers.

Image result for eperolehan

ePerolehan provides an array of comprehensive functions for the complete procurement process.

Image result for eperolehan

Benefits to Suppliers

  • Suppliers can be contacted easily by Government buyers, anytime or anywhere.
  • ePerolehan enables suppliers to transition to online business, providing an entry space for online business capabilities.
  • Suppliers have the opportunity to embrace the online business concept faster with the use of ePerolehan.
  • Advertising of goods and services is cheaper and faster and will eventually reach a wider number of buyers.
  • Through the Internet, suppliers will be able to implement borderless advertising at the lowest price level.
  • Processes are simpler and the lower amount of manual work can minimize administrative costs and operating costs. Through ePerolehan, almost all business operations will be automated, not only to make provide the lowest operating cost, but also a faster turnaround time for buyers.
  • Suppliers receive payment faster via electronic payment. ePerolehan is supported by a highly secure infrastructure network thus enabling suppliers to receive payment of goods and services in a shorter time frame.
  • Improve business planning and forecasts accordingly with more efficient and organized procurement processes. ePerolehan automates business processes as well as improves work efficiency allowing suppliers to anticipate procurement processes more accurately.
Benefits to the Government
  • Offers a more effective and efficient acquisition process, in line with the transformation of the country towards K-economy. ePerolehan is the machinery for the Malaysian Government to step into the new economy and promote a wider business environment in the country.
  • Reduced operating cost based on time. The Malaysian Government will be able to reduce administrative and operating costs through the use of ePerolehan as the transaction process is reduced and simpler.
  • Better and up-to-date products and services options. Government buyers will be able to instantly access various products and services provided through ePerolehan, and this will make them more informed buyers.
  • The latest product price information and lists are available online. ePerolehan is always updated with the latest information to help buyers to make more accurate acquisition options.
  • Skilled and knowledgeable workforce. The use of ePerolehan indirectly promotes greater IT literacy among the workforce in the government and private sectors.
  • Better purchasing and payment management. With ePerolehan, government buyers will be able to track and audit the procurement /transaction processes that have been made.
User Registration

To start using the ePerolehan system, you need to register your company with the Ministry of Finance online through the ePerolehan System provider registration system. Thereafter, you must apply for at least one ePerolehan Access Medium to conduct online procurement with the Government. Applications can be done at https://sas.commercedc.com.my/SAS/userlogin.asp

Visit the ePerolehan website at www.eperolehan.gov.my

  1. Click on the second icon marked above for registration of suppliers and consultants. This will lead to the following log in screen.
  1. Choose to either proceed in Bahasa Malaysia or English
  2. For first time log in, choose the option to register as a new contractor
Registered users can proceed to log in with their ID and password.

The Ministry of Finance will display notices with regard to company registration on this screen from time to time.

Next, the terms and conditions page will be displayed. Read carefully before clicking Agree at the bottom of the page. Companies that are registered for CBP with the Royal Malaysian Customs Department must fill in their CBP registration number in the space provided.

Next, the Supplier Application screen will be displayed and list out the sections that need to be filled by the user.

  1. Read each section thoroughly to complete the registration process.
  2. Click Continue (Teruskan) to proceed to the next screen.

The registration screen will be displayed.

  1. Create your Log In ID.
  2. Enter information for Supplier.
  3. Enter information for Service Provider (if applicable).
  4. Click Save (Simpan) to save the information that has been entered and click Continue (Teruskan) to proceed to the next screen.
Next, the Supplier Details screen will be displayed.

  1. Enter business information.
  2. Enter information regarding transaction network.
  3. Click Save (Simpan) to save all information and Continue (Teruskan) to proceed to the next screen. There is also an option to preview the information that has been entered and to clear all information.
Further Business Details – Type of Registration

For the type of registration section, select the option based on your company’s registration with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM).

Complete the next sections for the following:

  • Company Details
  • Company Branches
  • Company’s Project Experience
  • Capital and Equity Status
  • Capital and Equity Holders
  • Information of Access Medium for ePerolehan
  • Personnel Information
  • List of New Directors/Top Management
  • Officers authorised for Government Acquisition affairs
  • Financial information and cheque signatories
  • Field of work
  • Support Documents
  • Registration Payment Details
  • Declaration
  • Confirmation
Once all the above sections have been completed, the system will generate a print out for payment details and application details.

Sample of Payment Details Print Out

Sample of Application Details Print Out (will be a few pages long)

Help with ePerolehan

For users who require more information or assistance with the system, ePerolehan provides an online learning module called ePerolehan Online Learning (ePOL). There are two methods of learning, namely Multimedia Learning or Computer-Based Training (CBT) which is free; and Face-to-face Training (Instructor-led Training) with a fixed fee.

Users may also visit a nearby ePerolehan Centre (ePC) or contact the helpline at 03-7985 7777 or e-mail bantuan@eperolehan.gov.my to request further assistance.

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